// Copyright (c) 2024 Linaro LTD
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Pre-build code for zephyr module.
// This module makes the values from the generated .config available as conditional compilation.
// Note that this only applies to the zephyr module, and the user's application will not be able to
// see these definitions. To make that work, this will need to be moved into a support crate which
// can be invoked by the user's build.rs.
// This builds a program that is run on the compilation host before the code is compiled. It can
// output configuration settings that affect the compilation.
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use regex::Regex;
use devicetree::{Augment, DeviceTree};
mod devicetree;
/// Export boolean Kconfig entries. This must happen in any crate that wishes to access the
/// configuration settings.
pub fn export_bool_kconfig() {
let dotconfig = env::var("DOTCONFIG").expect("DOTCONFIG must be set by wrapper");
// Ensure the build script is rerun when the dotconfig changes.
println!("cargo-rerun-if-changed={}", dotconfig);
let config_y = Regex::new(r"^(CONFIG_.*)=y$").unwrap();
let file = File::open(&dotconfig).expect("Unable to open dotconfig");
for line in BufReader::new(file).lines() {
let line = line.expect("reading line from dotconfig");
if let Some(caps) = config_y.captures(&line) {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &caps[1]);
/// Capture bool, numeric and string kconfig values in a 'kconfig' module.
/// This is a little simplistic, and will make the entries numeric if they look like numbers.
/// Ideally, this would be built on the types of the values, but that will require more
/// introspection.
pub fn build_kconfig_mod() {
let dotconfig = env::var("DOTCONFIG").expect("DOTCONFIG must be set by wrapper");
let outdir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR must be set");
// The assumption is that hex values are unsigned, and decimal are signed.
let config_hex = Regex::new(r"^(CONFIG_.*)=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$").unwrap();
let config_int = Regex::new(r"^(CONFIG_.*)=(-?[1-9][0-9]*)$").unwrap();
// It is unclear what quoting might be used in the .config.
let config_str = Regex::new(r#"^(CONFIG_.*)=(".*")$"#).unwrap();
let gen_path = Path::new(&outdir).join("kconfig.rs");
let mut f = File::create(&gen_path).unwrap();
let file = File::open(&dotconfig).expect("Unable to open dotconfig");
for line in BufReader::new(file).lines() {
let line = line.expect("reading line from dotconfig");
if let Some(caps) = config_hex.captures(&line) {
writeln!(&mut f, "#[allow(dead_code)]").unwrap();
writeln!(&mut f, "pub const {}: usize = {};", &caps[1], &caps[2]).unwrap();
} else if let Some(caps) = config_int.captures(&line) {
writeln!(&mut f, "#[allow(dead_code)]").unwrap();
writeln!(&mut f, "pub const {}: isize = {};", &caps[1], &caps[2]).unwrap();
} else if let Some(caps) = config_str.captures(&line) {
writeln!(&mut f, "#[allow(dead_code)]").unwrap();
writeln!(&mut f, "pub const {}: &str = {};", &caps[1], &caps[2]).unwrap();
/// Parse the finalized DTS file, generating the Rust devicetree file.
fn import_dt() -> DeviceTree {
let zephyr_dts = env::var("ZEPHYR_DTS").expect("ZEPHYR_DTS must be set");
let gen_include =
let generated = format!("{}/devicetree_generated.h", gen_include);
DeviceTree::new(&zephyr_dts, generated)
pub fn build_dts() {
let dt = import_dt();
let outdir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR must be set");
let out_path = Path::new(&outdir).join("devicetree.rs");
let mut out = File::create(&out_path).expect("Unable to create devicetree.rs");
let augments = env::var("DT_AUGMENTS").expect("DT_AUGMENTS must be set");
let augments: Vec<String> = augments.split_whitespace().map(String::from).collect();
// Make sure that cargo knows to run if this changes, or any file mentioned changes.
for name in &augments {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", name);
let mut augs = Vec::new();
for aug in &augments {
// println!("Load augment: {:?}", aug);
let mut aug = devicetree::load_augments(aug).expect("Loading augment file");
augs.append(&mut aug);
// For now, just print it out.
// println!("augments: {:#?}", augs);
let augs: Vec<_> = augs
.map(|aug| Box::new(aug) as Box<dyn Augment>)
let tokens = dt.to_tokens(&augs);
if has_rustfmt() {
write_formatted(out, tokens);
} else {
writeln!(out, "{}", tokens).unwrap();
/// Generate cfg directives for each of the nodes in the generated device tree.
/// This assumes that build_dts was already run by the `zephyr` crate, which should happen if this
/// is called from a user application.
pub fn dt_cfgs() {
let dt = import_dt();
dt.output_node_paths(&mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap();
/// Determine if `rustfmt` is in the path, and can be excecuted. Returns false on any kind of error.
pub fn has_rustfmt() -> bool {
matches!(Command::new("rustfmt").arg("--version").status(), Ok(st) if st.success())
/// Attempt to write the contents to a file, using rustfmt. If there is an error running rustfmt,
/// print a warning, and then just directly write the file.
fn write_formatted(file: File, tokens: TokenStream) {
let mut rustfmt = Command::new("rustfmt")
.args(["--emit", "stdout"])
.expect("Failed to run rustfmt");
// TODO: Handle the above failing.
let mut stdin = rustfmt
.expect("Stdin should have been opened by spawn");
writeln!(stdin, "{}", tokens).expect("Writing to rustfmt");
match rustfmt.wait() {
Ok(st) if st.success() => (),
_ => panic!("Failure running rustfmt"),