
Function k_work_queue_start

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k_work_queue_start(
    queue: *mut k_work_q,
    stack: *mut z_thread_stack_element,
    stack_size: usize,
    prio: i32,
    cfg: *const k_work_queue_config,
Expand description

@brief Initialize a work queue.

This configures the work queue thread and starts it running. The function should not be re-invoked on a queue.

@param queue pointer to the queue structure. It must be initialized in zeroed/bss memory or with @ref k_work_queue_init before use.

@param stack pointer to the work thread stack area.

@param stack_size size of the work thread stack area, in bytes.

@param prio initial thread priority

@param cfg optional additional configuration parameters. Pass @c NULL if not required, to use the defaults documented in k_work_queue_config.