
Function k_thread_foreach_unlocked

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k_thread_foreach_unlocked(
    user_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const k_thread, _: *mut c_void)>,
    user_data: *mut c_void,
Expand description

@brief Iterate over all the threads in the system without locking.

This routine works exactly the same like @ref k_thread_foreach but unlocks interrupts when user_cb is executed.

@param user_cb Pointer to the user callback function. @param user_data Pointer to user data.

@note @kconfig{CONFIG_THREAD_MONITOR} must be set for this function to be effective. @note This API uses @ref k_spin_lock only when accessing the _kernel.threads queue elements. It unlocks it during user callback function processing. If a new task is created when this @c foreach function is in progress, the added new task would not be included in the enumeration. If a task is aborted during this enumeration, there would be a race here and there is a possibility that this aborted task would be included in the enumeration. @note If the task is aborted and the memory occupied by its @c k_thread structure is reused when this @c k_thread_foreach_unlocked is in progress it might even lead to the system behave unstable. This function may never return, as it would follow some @c next task pointers treating given pointer as a pointer to the k_thread structure while it is something different right now. Do not reuse the memory that was occupied by k_thread structure of aborted task if it was aborted after this function was called in any context.