
Function k_mem_domain_init

pub unsafe extern "C" fn k_mem_domain_init(
    domain: *mut k_mem_domain,
    num_parts: u8,
    parts: *mut *mut k_mem_partition,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Initialize a memory domain.

Initialize a memory domain with given name and memory partitions.

See documentation for k_mem_domain_add_partition() for details about partition constraints.

Do not call k_mem_domain_init() on the same memory domain more than once, doing so is undefined behavior.

@param domain The memory domain to be initialized. @param num_parts The number of array items of “parts” parameter. @param parts An array of pointers to the memory partitions. Can be NULL if num_parts is zero.

@retval 0 if successful @retval -EINVAL if invalid parameters supplied @retval -ENOMEM if insufficient memory