
Function gpio_pin_interrupt_configure

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(
    port: *const device,
    pin: u8,
    flags: u32,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Configure pin interrupt.

@note This function can also be used to configure interrupts on pins not controlled directly by the GPIO module. That is, pins which are routed to other modules such as I2C, SPI, UART.

@funcprops \isr_ok

@param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance. @param pin Pin number. @param flags Interrupt configuration flags as defined by GPIO_INT_*.

@retval 0 If successful. @retval -ENOSYS If the operation is not implemented by the driver. @retval -ENOTSUP If any of the configuration options is not supported (unless otherwise directed by flag documentation). @retval -EINVAL Invalid argument. @retval -EBUSY Interrupt line required to configure pin interrupt is already in use. @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip. @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.