
Function bt_le_ext_adv_create

pub unsafe extern "C" fn bt_le_ext_adv_create(
    param: *const bt_le_adv_param,
    cb: *const bt_le_ext_adv_cb,
    adv: *mut *mut bt_le_ext_adv,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Create advertising set.

Create a new advertising set and set advertising parameters. Advertising parameters can be updated with @ref bt_le_ext_adv_update_param.

@param[in] param Advertising parameters. @param[in] cb Callback struct to notify about advertiser activity. Can be NULL. Must point to valid memory during the lifetime of the advertising set. @param[out] adv Valid advertising set object on success.

@return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.