
Module embassy

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Support for Embassy on Rust+Zephyr

Embassy is: “The next-generation framework for embedded applications”. From a typical RTOS perspective it is perhaps a little difficult to explain what exactly it is, and why it makes sense to discuss it in the context of supporting Rust on Zephyr.

At a core level, Embassy is a set of crates that implement various functionality that is used when writing bare metal applications in Rust. Combined, these provide most of the functionality that is needed for an embedded application. However, the crates are largely independent, and as such find use when combined with Zephyr.


A significant aspect of Embassy’s functionality revolves around providing one or more executors for coordinating async code in Rust. The Rust language transforms code annotated with async/await into state machines that allow these operations to be run cooperatively. A bare metal system with one or more of these executors managing async tasks can indeed solve many of the types of scheduling solutions needed for embedded systems.

Although Zephyr does have a thread scheduler, there are still some advantages to running an executor on one or more Zephyr threads:

  • Because the async code is transformed into a state machine, this code only uses stack while evaluating to the next stopping point. This allows a large number of async operations to happen on a single thread, without requiring additional stack. The state machines themselves do take memory, but this usage is known at compile time (with the stable Rust compiler, it is allocated from a pool, and with the nightly compiler, can be completely compile time determined).
  • Context switches between async threads can be very fast. When running a single executor thread, there is no need for locking for data that is entirely kept within that thread, and these context switches have similar cost to a function call. Even with multiple threads involved, many switches will happen on the same underlying Zephyr thread, reducing the need to reschedule.
  • Embassy provides a lot of mechanisms for coordinating between these tasks, all that work in the context of async/await. Some may be thought of as redundant with Zephyr primitives, but they serve a different purpose, and provide more streamlined coordination for things entirely within the Rust world.


To best use this module, it is best to look at the various examples under samples/embassy* in this repo. Some of the embassy crates, especially embassy-executor have numerous features that must be configured correctly for proper operation. To use the ‘executor-thread’ feature, it is also necessary to configure embassy for the proper platform. Future versions of the Cmake files for Rust on Zephyr may provide assistance with this, but for now, this does limit a given application to running on a specific architecture. For using the executor-zephyr feature provided by this module, it easier to allow the code to run on multiple platforms.

The following features in the zephyr crate configure what is supported:

  • executor-zephyr: This implements an executor that uses Zephyr’s thread primitives (k_thread_suspend and k_thread_resume) to suspend the executor thread when there is no work to perform. This feature is incompatible with either embassy-thread or embassy-interrupt in the embassy-executor crate.
  • embassy-time-driver: This feature causes the zephyr crate to provide a time driver to Embassy. This driver uses a single k_timer in Zephyr to wake async operations that are dependent on time. This enables the embassy-time crate’s functionality to be used freely within async tasks on Zephyr.

Future versions of this support will provide async interfaces to various driver systems in Zephyr, allowing the use of Zephyr drivers freely from async code.

It is perfectly permissible to use the executor-thread feature from embassy-executor on Zephyr, within the following guidelines:

  • The executor is incompatible with the async executor provided within crate::kio, and because there are no features to enable this, this functions will still be accessible. Be careful. You should enable no-kio in the zephyr crate to hide these functions.
  • This executor does not coordinate with the scheduler on Zephyr, but uses an architecture-specific mechanmism when there is no work. On Cortex-M, this is the ‘wfe’ instruction, on riscv32, the ‘wfi’ instruction. This means that no tasks of lower priority will ever run, so this should only be started from the lowest priority task on the system.
  • Because the ‘idle’ thread in Zephyr will never run, some platforms will not enter low power mode, when the system is idle. This is very platform specific.


The executor provided by Embassy is fundamentally incompatible with the executor provided by this crate’s crate::kio and crate::work::futures. Trying to use the functionality provided by operations, such as Semaphore::take_async, will generally result in a panic. These routines are conditionally compiled out when executor-zephyr is enabled, but there is no way for this crate to detect the use of embassy’s executor-threaded. Combining these will result in undefined behavior, likely difficult to debug crashes.
