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// Copyright (c) 2024 Linaro LTD
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! # Zephyr low-level synchronization primities.
//! The `zephyr-sys` crate contains direct calls into the Zephyr C API. This interface, however,
//! cannot be used from safe Rust. This crate attempts to be as direct an interface to some of
//! these synchronization mechanisms, but without the need for unsafe. The other module
//! `crate::sync` provides higher level interfaces that help manage synchronization in coordination
//! with Rust's borrowing and sharing rules, and will generally provide much more usable
//! interfaces.
//! # Kernel objects
//! Zephyr's primitives work with the concept of a kernel object. These are the data structures
//! that are used by the Zephyr kernel to coordinate the operation of the primitives. In addition,
//! they are where the protection barrier provided by `CONFIG_USERSPACE` is implemented. In order
//! to use these primitives from a userspace thread two things must happen:
//! - The kernel objects must be specially declared. All kernel objects in Zephyr will be built,
//! at compile time, into a perfect hash table that is used to validate them. The special
//! declaration will take care of this.
//! - The objects must be granted permission to be used by the userspace thread. This can be
//! managed either by specifically granting permission, or by using inheritance when creating the
//! thread.
//! At this time, only the first mechanism is implemented, and all kernel objects should be
//! declared using the `crate::kobj_define!` macro. These then must be initialized, and then the
//! special method `.get()` called, to retrieve the Rust-style value that is used to manage them.
//! Later, there will be a pool mechanism to allow these kernel objects to be allocated and freed
//! from a pool, although the objects will still be statically allocated.
pub mod mutex;
pub mod semaphore;
pub use mutex::{Condvar, Mutex, StaticCondvar, StaticMutex};
pub use semaphore::Semaphore;