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// Copyright (c) 2024 Linaro LTD
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Zephyr 'sys' module.
//! The `zephyr-sys` crate contains the direct C bindings to the Zephyr API. All of these are
//! unsafe.
//! This module `zephyr::sys` contains thin wrappers to these C bindings, that can be used without
//! unsafe, but as unchanged as possible.
use zephyr_sys::k_timeout_t;
pub mod queue;
pub mod sync;
pub mod thread;
// These two constants are not able to be captured by bindgen. It is unlikely that these values
// would change in the Zephyr headers, but there will be an explicit test to make sure they are
// correct.
/// Represents a timeout with an infinite delay.
/// Low-level Zephyr constant. Calls using this value will wait as long as necessary to perform
/// the requested operation.
pub const K_FOREVER: k_timeout_t = k_timeout_t { ticks: -1 };
/// Represents a null timeout delay.
/// Low-level Zephyr Constant. Calls using this value will not wait if the operation cannot be
/// performed immediately.
pub const K_NO_WAIT: k_timeout_t = k_timeout_t { ticks: 0 };
/// Return the current uptime of the system in ms.
/// Direct Zephyr call. Precision is limited by the system tick timer.
pub fn uptime_get() -> i64 {
unsafe { crate::raw::k_uptime_get() }
pub mod critical {
//! Zephyr implementation of critical sections.
//! Critical sections from Rust are handled with a single Zephyr spinlock. This doesn't allow
//! any nesting, but neither does the `critical-section` crate.
//! This provides the underlying critical section crate, which is useful for external crates
//! that want this interface. However, it isn't a particularly hygienic interface to use. For
//! something a bit nicer, please see [`sync::SpinMutex`].
//! [`sync::SpinMutex`]: crate::sync::SpinMutex
use core::{ffi::c_int, ptr::addr_of_mut};
use critical_section::RawRestoreState;
use zephyr_sys::{k_spin_lock, k_spin_unlock, k_spinlock, k_spinlock_key_t};
struct ZephyrCriticalSection;
// The critical section shares a single spinlock.
static mut LOCK: k_spinlock = unsafe { core::mem::zeroed() };
unsafe impl critical_section::Impl for ZephyrCriticalSection {
unsafe fn acquire() -> RawRestoreState {
let res = k_spin_lock(addr_of_mut!(LOCK));
res.key as RawRestoreState
unsafe fn release(token: RawRestoreState) {
k_spinlock_key_t {
key: token as c_int,