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//! Higher level synchronization primitives.
//! These are modeled after the synchronization primitives in
//! [`std::sync`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/index.html) and those from
//! [`crossbeam-channel`](https://docs.rs/crossbeam-channel/latest/crossbeam_channel/), in as much
//! as it makes sense.
// Channels are currently only available with allocation. Bounded channels later might be
// available.
pub mod channel;
pub mod atomic {
//! Re-export portable atomic.
//! Although `core` contains a
//! [`sync::atomic`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/core/sync/atomic/index.html) module,
//! these are dependent on the target having atomic instructions, and the types are missing
//! when the platform cannot support them. Zephyr, however, does provide atomics on platforms
//! that don't support atomic instructions, using spinlocks. In the Rust-embedded world, this
//! is done through the [`portable-atomic`](https://crates.io/crates/portable-atomic) crate,
//! which will either just re-export the types from core, or provide an implementation using
//! spinlocks when those aren't available.
pub use portable_atomic::*;
pub use portable_atomic_util::Arc;
pub use portable_atomic_util::Weak;
mod mutex;
pub use mutex::{Condvar, LockResult, Mutex, MutexGuard, TryLockError, TryLockResult};
mod spinmutex;
pub use spinmutex::{SpinMutex, SpinMutexGuard};