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//! A simple TLS helping tool.
//! Until this crate implements general TLS support, similar to std, this simpletls module can
//! provide a simplified type of thread-local storage.
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use zephyr_sys::{k_current_get, k_thread};
/// A container for simple thread local storage.
/// This will maintain a mapping between Zephyr threads and a value of type T. Entries will have to
/// be added manually, generally when each thread is started.
/// Note that T must implement Copy, as it is not safe to retain references to the inner data
/// outside of this api.
/// T must also implement Send, since although 'get' always retrieves the current thread's data,
/// `insert` will typically need to move `T` across threads.
pub struct SimpleTls<T: Copy + Send> {
map: Vec<(usize, T)>,
impl<T: Copy + Send> SimpleTls<T> {
/// Create a new SimpleTls.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self { map: Vec::new() }
/// Insert a new association into the SimpleTls.
/// If this thread has already been added, the value will be replaced.
pub fn insert(&mut self, thread: *const k_thread, data: T) {
let thread = thread as usize;
match self.map.binary_search_by(|(id, _)| id.cmp(&thread)) {
Ok(pos) => self.map[pos] = (thread, data), // Replace existing.
Err(pos) => self.map.insert(pos, (thread, data)),
/// Lookup the data associated with a given thread.
pub fn get(&self) -> Option<T> {
let thread = unsafe { k_current_get() } as usize;
.binary_search_by(|(id, _)| id.cmp(&thread))
.map(|pos| self.map[pos].1)