1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566
//! # Zephyr Kernel Objects
//! Zephyr has a concept of a 'kernel object' that is handled a bit magically. In kernel mode
//! threads, these are just pointers to the data structures that Zephyr uses to manage that item.
//! In userspace, they are still pointers, but those data structures aren't accessible to the
//! thread. When making syscalls, the kernel validates that the objects are both valid kernel
//! objects and that the are supposed to be accessible to this thread.
//! In many Zephyr apps, the kernel objects in the app are defined as static, using special macros.
//! These macros make sure that the objects get registered so that they are accessible to userspace
//! (at least after that access is granted).
//! There are also kernel objects that are synthesized as part of the build. Most notably, there
//! are ones generated by the device tree.
//! ## Safety
//! Zephyr has traditionally not focused on safety. Early versions of project goals, in fact,
//! emphasized performance and small code size as priorities over runtime checking of safety. Over
//! the years, this focus has changed a bit, and Zephyr does contain some additional checking, some
//! of which is optional.
//! Zephyr is still constrained at compile time to checks that can be performed with the limits
//! of the C language. With Rust, we have a much greater ability to enforce many aspects of safety
//! at compile time. However, there is some complexity to doing this at the interface between the C
//! world and Rust.
//! There are two types of kernel objects we deal with. There are kernel objects that are allocated
//! by C code (often auto-generated) that should be accessible to Rust. These are mostly `struct
//! device` values, and will be handled in a devices module. The other type are objects that
//! application code wishes to declare statically, and use from Rust code. That is the
//! responsibility of this module. (There will also be support for more dynamic management of
//! kernel objects, but this will be handled later).
//! Static kernel objects in Zephyr are declared as C top-level variables (where the keyword static
//! means something different). It is the responsibility of the calling code to initialize these
//! items, make sure they are only initialized once, and to ensure that sharing of the object is
//! handled properly. All of these are concerns we can handle in Rust.
//! To handle initialization, we pair each kernel object with a single atomic value, whose zero
//! value indicates [`KOBJ_UNINITIALIZED`]. There are a few instances of values that can be placed
//! into uninitialized memory in a C declaration that will need to be zero initialized as a Rust
//! static. The case of thread stacks is handled as a special case, where the initialization
//! tracking is kept separate so that the stack can still be placed in initialized memory.
//! This state goes through two more values as the item is initialized, one indicating the
//! initialization is happening, and another indicating it has finished.
//! For each kernel object, there will be two types. One, having a name of the form StaticThing,
//! and the other having the form Thing. The StaticThing will be used in a static declaration.
//! There is a [`kobj_define!`] macro that matches declarations of these values and adds the
//! necessary linker declarations to place these in the correct linker sections. This is the
//! equivalent of the set of macros in C, such as `K_SEM_DEFINE`.
//! This StaticThing will have a single method [`init_once`] which accepts a single argument of a
//! type defined by the object. For most objects, it will just be an empty tuple `()`, but it can
//! be whatever initializer is needed for that type by Zephyr. Semaphores, for example, take the
//! initial value and the limit. Threads take as an initializer the stack to be used.
//! This `init_once` will initialize the Zephyr object and return the `Thing` item that will have
//! the methods on it to use the object. Attributes such as `Sync`, and `Clone` will be defined
//! appropriately so as to match the semantics of the underlying Zephyr kernel object. Generally
//! this `Thing` type will simply be a container for a direct pointer, and thus using and storing
//! these will have the same characteristics as it would from C.
//! Rust has numerous strict rules about mutable references, namely that it is not safe to have more
//! than one mutable reference. The language does allow multiple `*mut ktype` references, and their
//! safety depends on the semantics of what is pointed to. In the case of Zephyr, some of these are
//! intentionally thread safe (for example, things like `k_sem` which have the purpose of
//! synchronizing between threads). Others are not, and that is mirrored in Rust by whether or not
//! `Clone` and/or `Sync` are implemented. Please see the documentation of individual entities for
//! details for that object.
//! In general, methods on `Thing` will require `&mut self` if there is any state to manage. Those
//! that are built around synchronization primitives, however, will generally use `&self`. In
//! general, objects that implement `Clone` will use `&self` because there would be no benefit to
//! mutable self when the object could be cloned.
//! [`kobj_define!`]: crate::kobj_define
//! [`init_once`]: StaticKernelObject::init_once
extern crate alloc;
use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, mem};
use core::pin::Pin;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
/// ## Init/move safe objects
/// In Rust code, many language features are designed around Rust's "move semantics". Because of
/// the borrow checker, the Rust compiler has full knowledge of when it is safe to move an object in
/// memory, as it will know that there are no references to it.
/// However, most kernel objects in Zephyr contain self-referential pointers to those objects. The
/// traditional way to handle this in Rust is to use `Pin`. However, besides Pin being awkward to
/// use, it is generally assumed that the underlying objects will be dynamically allocated. It is
/// desirable to allow as much functionality of Zephyr to be used without explicitly requiring
/// alloc.
/// The original solution (Wrapped), used a type `Fixed` that either referenced a static, or
/// contained a `Pin<Box<T>>` of the Zephyr kernel object. This introduces overhead for both the
/// enum as well as the actual reference itself.
/// Some simple benchmarking has determined that it is just as efficient, or even slightly more so,
/// to represent each object instead as a `UnsafeCell` contaning the Zephyr object, and an atomic
/// pointer that can be used to determine the state of the object.
/// This type is not intended for general use, but for the implementation of wrappers for Zephyr
/// types that require non-move semantics.
/// # Safety
/// The Zephyr APIs require that once objects have been initialized, they are not moved in memory.
/// To avoid the inconvenience of managing 'Pin' for most of these, we rely on a run-time detection
/// both of initialization and non-movement. It is fairly easy, as a user of an object in Rust to
/// avoid moving it. Generally, in an embedded system, objects will either live on the stack of a
/// single persistent thread, or will be statically allocated. Both of these cases will result in
/// objects that don't move. However, we want initialization to be able to happen on first _use_
/// not when the constructor runs, because the semantics of most constructors invovles a move (even
/// if that is often optimized away).
/// Note that this does not solve the case of objects that must not be moved even after the object
/// has a single Rust reference (threads, and work queues, notably, or timers with active
/// callbacks).
/// To do this, each object is paired with an Atomic pointer. The pointer can exist in three state:
/// - null: The object has not been initialized. It is safe to move the object at this time.
/// - pointer that equals the addres of the object itself. Object has been initialized, and can be
/// used. It must not be moved.
/// - pointer that doesn't match the object. This indicates that the object was moved, and is
/// invalid. We treat this as a panic condition.
pub struct ZephyrObject<T> {
state: AtomicUsize,
object: UnsafeCell<T>,
impl<T> ZephyrObject<T>
ZephyrObject<T>: ObjectInit<T>,
/// Construct a new Zephyr Object.
/// The 'init' function will be given a reference to the object. For objects that have
/// initialization parameters (specifically Semaphores), this can be used to hold those
/// parameters until the real init is called upon first use.
/// The 'setup' function must not assume the address given to it will persist. The object can
/// be freely moved by Rust until the 'init' call has been called, which happens on first use.
pub const fn new_raw() -> Self {
Self {
state: AtomicUsize::new(0),
// SAFETY: It is safe to assume Zephyr objects can be zero initialized before calling
// their init. The atomic above will ensure that this is not used by any API other than
// the init call until it has been initialized.
object: UnsafeCell::new(unsafe { mem::zeroed() }),
/// Get a reference, _without initializing_ the item.
/// This is useful during a const constructor to be able to stash values in the item.
pub const fn get_uninit(&self) -> *mut T {
/// Get a reference to the underlying zephyr object, ensuring it has been initialized properly.
/// The method is unsafe, because the caller must ensure that the lifetime of `&self` is long
/// enough for the use of the raw pointer.
/// # Safety
/// If the object has not been initialized, It's 'init' method will be called. If the object
/// has been moved since `init` was called, this will panic. Otherwise, the caller must ensure
/// that the use of the returned pointer does not outlive the `&self`.
/// The 'init' method will be called within a critical section, so should be careful to not
/// block, or take extra time.
pub unsafe fn get(&self) -> *mut T {
let addr = self.object.get();
// First, try reading the atomic relaxed. This makes the common case of the object being
// initialized faster, and we can double check after.
match self.state.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
// Uninitialized. Falls through to the slower init case.
0 => (),
// Initialized, and object has not been moved.
ptr if ptr == addr as usize => return addr,
_ => {
// Object was moved after init.
panic!("Object moved after init");
// Perform the possible initialization within a critical section to avoid a race and double
// initialization.
critical_section::with(|_| {
// Reload, with Acquire ordering to see a determined value.
let state = self.state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// If the address does match, an initialization got in before the critical section.
if state == addr as usize {
// Note, this returns from the closure, not the function, but this is ok, as the
// critical section result is the return result of the whole function.
return addr;
} else if state != 0 {
// Initialization got in, and then it was moved. This shouldn't happen without
// unsafe code, but it is easy to detect.
panic!("Object moved after init");
// Perform the initialization.
<Self as ObjectInit<T>>::init(addr);
self.state.store(addr as usize, Ordering::Release);
/// All `ZephyrObject`s must implement `ObjectInit` in order for first use to be able to initialize
/// the object.
pub trait ObjectInit<T> {
/// Initialize the object.
/// This is called upon first use. The address given may (and generally will) be different than
/// the initial address given to the `setup` call in the [`ZephyrObject::new`] constructor.
/// After this is called, all subsequent calls to [`ZephyrObject::get`] will return the same
/// address, or panic.
fn init(item: *mut T);
// The kernel object itself must be wrapped in `UnsafeCell` in Rust. This does several thing, but
// the primary feature that we want to declare to the Rust compiler is that this item has "interior
// mutability". One impact will be that the default linker section will be writable, even though
// the object will not be declared as mutable. It also affects the compiler as it will avoid things
// like aliasing and such on the data, as it will know that it is potentially mutable. In our case,
// the mutations happen from C code, so this is less important than the data being placed in the
// proper section. Many will have the link section overridden by the `kobj_define` macro.
/// ## Old Wrapped objects
/// The wrapped objects was the original approach to managing Zephyr objects.
/// Define the Wrapping of a kernel object.
/// This trait defines the association between a static kernel object and the two associated Rust
/// types: `StaticThing` and `Thing`. In the general case: there should be:
/// ```
/// impl Wrapped for StaticKernelObject<kobj> {
/// type T = Thing,
/// type I = (),
/// fn get_wrapped(&self, args: Self::I) -> Self::T {
/// let ptr = self.value.get();
/// // Initizlie the kobj using ptr and possible the args.
/// Thing { ptr }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Wrapped {
/// The wrapped type. This is what `init_once()` on the StaticKernelObject will return after
/// initialization.
type T;
/// The wrapped type also requires zero or more initializers. Which are represented by this
/// type.
type I;
/// Initialize this kernel object, and return the wrapped pointer.
fn get_wrapped(&self, args: Self::I) -> Self::T;
/// A state indicating an uninitialized kernel object.
/// This must be zero, as kernel objects will
/// be represetned as zero-initialized memory.
pub const KOBJ_UNINITIALIZED: usize = 0;
/// A state indicating a kernel object that is being initialized.
pub const KOBJ_INITING: usize = 1;
/// A state indicating a kernel object that has completed initialization. This also means that the
/// take has been called. And shouldn't be allowed additional times.
pub const KOBJ_INITIALIZED: usize = 2;
/// A kernel object represented statically in Rust code.
/// These should not be declared directly by the user, as they generally need linker decorations to
/// be properly registered in Zephyr as kernel objects. The object has the underlying Zephyr type
/// T, and the wrapper type W.
/// Kernel objects will have their `StaticThing` implemented as `StaticKernelObject<kobj>` where
/// `kobj` is the type of the underlying Zephyr object. `Thing` will usually be a struct with a
/// single field, which is a `*mut kobj`.
/// TODO: Can we avoid the public fields with a const new method?
/// TODO: Handling const-defined alignment for these.
pub struct StaticKernelObject<T> {
/// The underlying zephyr kernel object.
pub value: UnsafeCell<T>,
/// Initialization status of this object. Most objects will start uninitialized and be
/// initialized manually.
pub init: AtomicUsize,
impl<T> StaticKernelObject<T>
StaticKernelObject<T>: Wrapped,
/// Construct an empty of these objects, with the zephyr data zero-filled.
/// # Safety
/// This is safe in the sense that Zephyr we track the initialization, they start in the
/// uninitialized state, and the zero value of the initialize atomic indicates that it is
/// uninitialized.
pub const unsafe fn new() -> StaticKernelObject<T> {
StaticKernelObject {
value: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
init: AtomicUsize::new(KOBJ_UNINITIALIZED),
/// Get the instance of the kernel object.
/// Will return a single wrapped instance of this object. This will invoke the initialization,
/// and return `Some<Wrapped>` for the wrapped containment type.
/// If it is called an additional time, it will return None.
pub fn init_once(&self, args: <Self as Wrapped>::I) -> Option<<Self as Wrapped>::T> {
if self
return None;
let result = self.get_wrapped(args);
self.init.store(KOBJ_INITIALIZED, Ordering::Release);
/// Objects that can be fixed or allocated.
/// When using Rust threads from userspace, the `kobj_define` declarations and the complexity behind
/// it is required. If all Rust use of kernel objects is from system threads, and dynamic memory is
/// available, kernel objects can be freeallocated, as long as the allocations themselves are
/// pinned. This `Fixed` encapsulates both of these.
pub enum Fixed<T> {
/// Objects that have been statically declared and just pointed to.
Static(*mut T),
/// Objects that are owned by the wrapper, and contained here.
impl<T> Fixed<T> {
/// Get the raw pointer out of the fixed object.
/// Returns the `*mut T` pointer held by this object. It is either just the static pointer, or
/// the pointer outside of the unsafe cell holding the dynamic kernel object.
pub fn get(&self) -> *mut T {
match self {
Fixed::Static(ptr) => *ptr,
Fixed::Owned(item) => item.get(),
/// Construct a new fixed from an allocation. Note that the object will not be fixed in memory,
/// until _after_ this returns, and it should not be initialized until then.
pub fn new(item: T) -> Fixed<T> {
/// Declare a static kernel object. This helps declaring static values of Zephyr objects.
/// This can typically be used as:
/// ```
/// kobj_define! {
/// static A_MUTEX: StaticMutex;
/// static MUTEX_ARRAY: [StaticMutex; 4];
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! kobj_define {
($v:vis static $name:ident: $type:tt; $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::_kobj_rule!($v, $name, $type);
($v:vis static $name:ident: $type:tt<$size:ident>; $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::_kobj_rule!($v, $name, $type<$size>);
($v:vis static $name:ident: $type:tt<$size:literal>; $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::_kobj_rule!($v, $name, $type<$size>);
($v:vis static $name:ident: $type:tt<{$size:expr}>; $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::_kobj_rule!($v, $name, $type<{$size}>);
() => {};
macro_rules! _kobj_rule {
// static NAME: StaticSemaphore;
($v:vis, $name:ident, StaticSemaphore) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_sem.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: $crate::sys::sync::StaticSemaphore =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// static NAMES: [StaticSemaphore; COUNT];
($v:vis, $name:ident, [StaticSemaphore; $size:expr]) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_sem.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: [$crate::sys::sync::StaticSemaphore; $size] =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// static NAME: StaticMutex
($v:vis, $name:ident, StaticMutex) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_mutex.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: $crate::sys::sync::StaticMutex =
unsafe { $crate::sys::sync::StaticMutex::new() };
// static NAMES: [StaticMutex; COUNT];
($v:vis, $name:ident, [StaticMutex; $size:expr]) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_mutex.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: [$crate::sys::sync::StaticMutex; $size] =
// This isn't Copy, intentionally, so initialize the whole thing with zerored memory.
// Relying on the atomic to be 0 for the uninitialized state.
// [$crate::sys::sync::StaticMutex::new(); $size];
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// static NAME: StaticCondvar;
($v:vis, $name:ident, StaticCondvar) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_condvar.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: $crate::sys::sync::StaticCondvar =
unsafe { $crate::sys::sync::StaticCondvar::new() };
// static NAMES: [StaticCondvar; COUNT];
($v:vis, $name:ident, [StaticCondvar; $size:expr]) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_condvar.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: [$crate::sys::sync::StaticCondvar; $size] =
// This isn't Copy, intentionally, so initialize the whole thing with zerored memory.
// Relying on the atomic to be 0 for the uninitialized state.
// [$crate::sys::sync::StaticMutex::new(); $size];
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// static THREAD: staticThread;
($v:vis, $name:ident, StaticThread) => {
// Since the static object has an atomic that we assume is initialized, we cannot use the
// default linker section Zephyr uses for Thread, as that is uninitialized. This will put
// it in .bss, where it is zero initialized.
$v static $name: $crate::sys::thread::StaticThread =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// static THREAD: [staticThread; COUNT];
($v:vis, $name:ident, [StaticThread; $size:expr]) => {
// Since the static object has an atomic that we assume is initialized, we cannot use the
// default linker section Zephyr uses for Thread, as that is uninitialized. This will put
// it in .bss, where it is zero initialized.
$v static $name: [$crate::sys::thread::StaticThread; $size] =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// Use indirection on stack initializers to handle some different cases in the Rust syntax.
($v:vis, $name:ident, ThreadStack<$size:literal>) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size);
($v:vis, $name:ident, ThreadStack<$size:ident>) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size);
($v:vis, $name:ident, ThreadStack<{$size:expr}>) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size);
// Array of stack object versions.
($v:vis, $name:ident, [ThreadStack<$size:literal>; $asize:expr]) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size, $asize);
($v:vis, $name:ident, [ThreadStack<$size:ident>; $asize:expr]) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size, $asize);
($v:vis, $name:ident, [ThreadStack<{$size:expr}>; $asize:expr]) => {
$crate::_kobj_stack!($v, $name, $size, $asize);
// Queues.
($v:vis, $name: ident, StaticQueue) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_queue.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: $crate::sys::queue::StaticQueue =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
($v:vis, $name: ident, [StaticQueue; $size:expr]) => {
#[link_section = concat!("._k_queue.static.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static $name: [$crate::sys::queue::StaticQueue; $size] =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
macro_rules! _kobj_stack {
($v:vis, $name: ident, $size:expr) => {
$crate::paste! {
// The actual stack itself goes into the no-init linker section. We'll use the user_name,
// with _REAL appended, to indicate the real stack.
#[link_section = concat!(".noinit.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static [< $name _REAL >]: $crate::sys::thread::RealStaticThreadStack<{$crate::sys::thread::stack_len($size)}> =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
// The proxy object used to ensure initialization is placed in initialized memory.
$v static $name: $crate::_export::KStaticThreadStack =
$crate::_export::KStaticThreadStack::new_from(&[< $name _REAL >]);
// This initializer needs to have the elements of the array initialized to fixed elements of the
// `RealStaticThreadStack`. Unfortunately, methods such as [`each_ref`] on the array are not
// const and can't be used in a static initializer. We could use a recursive macro definition
// to perform the initialization, but this would require the array size to only be an integer
// literal (constants aren't calculated until after macro expansion). It may also be possible
// to write a constructor for the array as a const fn, which would greatly simplify the
// initialization here.
($v:vis, $name: ident, $size:expr, $asize:expr) => {
$crate::paste! {
// The actual stack itself goes into the no-init linker section. We'll use the user_name,
// with _REAL appended, to indicate the real stack.
#[link_section = concat!(".noinit.", stringify!($name), ".", file!(), line!())]
$v static [< $name _REAL >]:
[$crate::sys::thread::RealStaticThreadStack<{$crate::sys::thread::stack_len($size)}>; $asize] =
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() };
$v static $name:
[$crate::_export::KStaticThreadStack; $asize] =
$crate::_export::KStaticThreadStack::new_from_array(&[< $name _REAL >]);