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//! An embassy executor tailored for Zephyr
use core::{marker::PhantomData, sync::atomic::Ordering};
use embassy_executor::{raw, Spawner};
use zephyr_sys::{k_current_get, k_thread_resume, k_thread_suspend, k_tid_t};
use crate::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
/// Zephyr-thread based executor.
pub struct Executor {
inner: Option<raw::Executor>,
id: k_tid_t,
pend: AtomicBool,
not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
impl Executor {
/// Create a new Executor.
pub fn new() -> Self {
let id = unsafe { k_current_get() };
Self {
inner: None,
pend: AtomicBool::new(false),
not_send: PhantomData,
/// Run the executor.
pub fn run(&'static mut self, init: impl FnOnce(Spawner)) -> ! {
let context = self as *mut _ as *mut ();
let inner = self.inner.as_mut().unwrap();
loop {
unsafe {
// The raw executor's poll only runs things that were queued _before_ this poll
// itself is actually run. This means, specifically, that if the polled execution
// causes this, or other threads to enqueue, this will return without running them.
// `__pender` _will_ be called, but it isn't "sticky" like `wfe/sev` are. To
// simulate this, we will use the 'pend' atomic to count
if !self.pend.swap(false, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// printkln!("_suspend");
impl Default for Executor {
fn default() -> Self {
#[export_name = "__pender"]
fn __pender(context: *mut ()) {
unsafe {
let myself = k_current_get();
let this = context as *const Executor;
let other = (*this).id;
// If the other is a different thread, resume it.
if other != myself {
// printkln!("_resume");
// Otherwise, we need to make sure our own next suspend doesn't happen.
// We need to also prevent a suspend from happening in the case where the only running
// thread causes other work to become pending. The resume below will do nothing, as we
// are just running.
(*this).pend.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);