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//! Alignment
//! Natively, the align attribute in rust does not allow anything other than an integer literal.
//! However, Zephyr will define the external alignment based on numeric constants. This defines a
//! bit of a trick to enforce alignment of structs to values by defined constants.
//! Thanks to Chayim Refael Friedman for help with this.
pub struct AlignAsStruct;
pub trait AlignAsTrait<const N: usize> {
type Aligned;
macro_rules! impl_alignas {
( $($align:literal),* $(,)? ) => {
const _: () = {
pub struct Aligned;
impl AlignAsTrait<$align> for AlignAsStruct {
type Aligned = Aligned;
// This can be expanded as needed.
impl_alignas!(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256);
/// Align a given struct to a given alignment. To use this, just include `AlignAs<N>` as the first
/// member of the struct.
pub struct AlignAs<const N: usize>([<AlignAsStruct as AlignAsTrait<N>>::Aligned; 0])
AlignAsStruct: AlignAsTrait<N>;
impl<const N: usize> AlignAs<N>
where AlignAsStruct: AlignAsTrait<N>
/// Construct a new AlignAs.
/// It is zero bytes, but needs a constructor as the field is private.
pub const fn new() -> AlignAs<N> {